Thursday, June 09, 2005

New Orleans!

I spent the evening in New Orleans on Bourbon street.
It was my first time here.
Most people reading this have probably been here before but for those who haven't, this is one happening place.
The way I see it, New Orleans, or "N'AWLINS" as the locals pronounce it, is centered around four main themes: food, alcohol, music, and sex(not necessarily in that order)

The food is world class, on par with cities like New York and San Francisco.

The music on Bourbon Street is varied and all very good.
Every bar has live music. Everything from blues to jazz, rock to zydeco.
My first night, I ate at a cajun place with a zydeco band. I even sat in with the band for one song! Look for pics to follow.
I ate alligator tail, crawfish, shrimp,and jambalaya. And some bourbon too. Great meal.

The sex is everywhere. Strip clubs, porn shops, and lingerie shops, all over the place.
No one showed me their breasts though:( I guess that's only for Mardi Gras. But again, there is always tomorrow night!

And the drinking. There were a couple of thousand people walking around Bourbon St this thursday eve, and most WERE ABSOLUTELY WASTED.

New Orleans is a fun place.
And if drunken debauchery, deviant sexual behavior, or eating great food till you puke, sounds like fun, this is the place to be.
And all of this going on with some great backround music!
I'll post pics tomorrow.

It took me a while to get here this AM because I had to take the bike to the Harley dealer. It turned out to be some loose spokes on the rear rim that was causing a slight shimmy. Covered under warrantee. Everythings cool now. Butter.

The Mad Ghoul(My friend Al) left NYC today to meet me in Memphis on Saturday.
That nutjob rode six hundred thirty miles today. Talk about dedication. Twelve hours straight.That's it for today, I'm beat. Later Rich


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