Monday, July 11, 2005

South Dakota

Well, I had a remarkable day today. As you can see from all the pics, this trip just keeps getting better and better. South Dakota is my favorite so far. There were some challenging roads today also. Great twisties and not too much traffic. I dropped the bike though. No damage. Not even a scratch.I was making a u-turn in a parking area and she fell over. All eight hundred pounds. I picked her up all by myself in about ten seconds. I was so surprised at how easy it was that I almost did it again so I could take a picture ;) Bessie didn't like being on her side so I didn't do it. I'm staying in Spearfish, SD tonight. Tomorrow Devils Tower Wyoming, then Yellowstone!


At 1:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Some trip. I called to speak to you and Greg explained about the trip and this blogsite. Looks like a great time. When you can, call me. We have some mundane matters to discuss.


At 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you had a BMW it would not have went over.


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