Monday, July 18, 2005

Well, today I rode home to Vegas. Six weeks and over 9000 miles have come to an end. I think my favorite part of the trip was posting on the blog. I really enjoyed it. I'm already planning my next trek up the California coast through Big Sur and Oregon, then up to Washington, Vancouver, and maybe even Alaska! After a good cleaning, an oil change, and some adjustments Bessie will be ready to go. Vegas greeted me today with temps of 122 degrees F. What are they out of their minds with this weather??? I rode for 300 miles in that heat. My cool vest sure came in handy. In November, I will be going to Israel(without Bessie). I probably will blog the trip since I like blogging so much. I'll keep you posted. Thank you all for checking out my Harley Chronicles. Thanks for your comments. I'll speak to you all real soon before I leave for California. Later Rich. Posted by Picasa

It looks like the land that time forgot. Bryce Canyon is spectacular. The most beautiful park of all that I visited. Yellowstone was the most interesting. The Black Hills of South Dakota was the most peaceful.  Posted by Picasa

This giant boulder is perched precariously atop its sandstone spire. Greg tried to push it over. It wouldn't budge. Posted by Picasa

Back on top of the rim of the canyon, I caught this raven protecting it's perch Posted by Picasa

Nice pic. I still haven't figured how to flip it. Posted by Picasa

These hearty pines grow abundantly amongst giant hoodoos at the bottom of the canyon Posted by Picasa

We hiked to a place called Wall Street. Where you walk right through the towering hoodoos. They closed part of the trail due to falling rocks though. Posted by Picasa

We hiked about 4.5 miles roundtrip to the bottom of the canyon to check out these Hoodoos. Look at how small Greg is compared to these massive sculptures. Posted by Picasa

These sandstone sculptures are ever changing with each freeze/thaw cycle. Wind is not really a factor in their erosion. Bryce has over two hundred days per year where the temps go below freezing at night and thaw in the morning. The expanding ice, fragments the fragile sandstone to create these sculptures. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Some beautiful landscape in Bryce Canyon Posted by Picasa

I think I saw the same flying squirrel! Posted by Picasa

Greg climbing to the top for a pic Posted by Picasa

After Zion we went to Bryce Canyon. Bryce is filled with thousands of these stone spires called HOODOOS. The colors and the shapes were breathtaking Posted by Picasa

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Three mountains in Zion with biblical names. Not too many pics in Zion. It was a little disappointing. But Bryce is next and it is SPECTACULAR! I took over 100 pics. Posted by Picasa

Here's me crossing the Virgin River. I made It! Posted by Picasa

A few minutes later we walked up on this big guy. Nice buck! Posted by Picasa

Hiking in Zion, we walked right up on this doe. Posted by Picasa

Next stop Zion National Park, Utah. Brother Greg drove out in his truck to meet me and check out the park. Here he is next to this lovely waterfall. He is mesmerized because he thought he saw a flying squirrel. Posted by Picasa

Temple at night. I went over there to see a film called "Testament" It was all about what they believe in. I think Donny Osmond played the lead, but I'm not sure. Posted by Picasa

Ok off to Salt Lake City. This is the Mormon Temple. The Mormons are big in Salt Lake. They have quite a compound with many large buildings, churches, and offices. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Salt Lake City

I had a terrific time in Yellowstone. A Must See for everyone. Grand Tetons was so so. Spent the night in Jackson Hole. Rode today to Salt Lake. Tomorrow Zion, then Bryce Canyon, then home. Look for some awesome pics in the next few days. Later Rich. It's about 102deg over here in Utah.

The sun is getting ready to set behind the Grand Tetons.  Posted by Picasa

I ended the day In The Grand Tetons National Park while on my way to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Posted by Picasa

Right on time. And quite an audience. Posted by Picasa

Last but not least, Old Faithful is getting ready to blow. It's every 96 minutes or so. Posted by Picasa

A close up of the bacteria field. I don't know how it gets like that. Posted by Picasa