Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Al and Fern Come to Vegas Finally!

About five days after I returned to Vegas, Al and Fernanda came to Vegas for a visit. This time he borrowed my second bike and we went touring California for a couple of days. San Diego, L.A.. We also hit the Laughlin River Run.
Here we are in the Grand Canyon. We took a helicopter down to the bottom and hopped on this boat down the Colorado River. We also went on that new Skywalk. Save your money the skywalk wasn't that exciting and it was overpriced at $30 for a five minute walk. The Chopper boatride were fun though.
While in Cali, I went into a prison ministry called Bill Glass Weekend of Champions. All together we have about 400 volunteers to go into the prisons. Bikers rode their bikes right into the yards of various prisons. Over 2500 people came to know Christ that weekend. Praise God!
Al and Fern toured L.A. while I went to Fresno Prisons.


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