Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Rolling Thunder

Al, affectionately known as The Mad Ghoul (only by his closest associates), was in D.C. last weekend for Rolling Thunder. 100,000 bikers rallying for Memorial Day, I wish I was there.
He went with his wife Fernanda and his local H.O.G. Chapter, out of NYC.
Afterwards he was complaining of some ass pain from the ride. It's due only to the crappy stock seat Harley puts on the bike. It's torturous. I've upgraded Bessy with an after market saddle made by Mustang. Very comfortable. Later. Rich


I'm finally going to break down and get a cell phone for the trip.
I held out for long enough.
Today's the day I join the twenty first century.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Here is Al's 'Fatboy', Skulls and Flames SWEET Posted by Hello

Memorial Day Retraction!

My good friend Al has just informed me that his pride and joy "Skulls and Flames Edition" Harley Davidson 'Fatboy' is a 2005 model, not a 2004 as previously stated. Very sorry for the mix up. Pictures to follow shortly.

Happy Memorial Day!

I am just waiting for a couple of parts I ordered from ebay. Then I'm on my way. I figure about six weeks for the whole trip. Stops will include: Sedona,Az., Santa Fe, NM., Ft Worth, Tx., Houston, New Orleans, Memphis, Asheville,NC, Washington D.C., New York, and finally Laconia, NH.
I don't know how I will get the bike back to Nevada yet. I may ship it. I may ride a northern route around the Great Lakes. We'll see what the weather is like.This is my first big trip with a lot of miles and I don't know how my body will react. My ass may be screaming for a break after only the first couple of days. I don't know.
If anybody knows of some great roads along the way that are "must rides," feel free to suggest them. Later. Rich

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Red Rock Canyon Posted by Hello

Red Rock Canyon with a couple of Harleys Posted by Hello

Me and Bessy. What a cute couple Posted by Hello

Here's me and Al at Red Rock Canyon on a previous trip. Bess is on my left. Al rented a black RoadKing for this ride Posted by Hello

Here's Bessy Posted by Hello

Here's me Posted by Hello

My first epic journey across the country

Only five days left before I leave.
I'm leaving Nevada on June 2 heading for Laconia NH for bike week.
First half of the trip will be only me and Bess.
'Bess' is my 2005 Black Cherry Pearl Harley Davidson RoadKing.
She can't wait to get started. Those laced whitewalls are just itching to chew on some pavement.
We'll be meeting Al, my friend of 35 years, in Memphis on June 10.
Al will be riding his bad ass 2004 Harley Fatboy 'Skulls and Flames Edition'.
Al hasn't named her yet. I just call her 'Skulls and Flames'.
This blog will chronicle our adventures. Later. Rich