Monday, November 19, 2007

Staging lane

Here is the staging lane where the drag bikes line up to get ready to race. We had a tent set up with cold drinks and coffee right near here.
I did about seven bike blessings

This guy's estimated time was 11.6 seconds for the quarter mile. If he finishes in 11.59, he is disqualified. These guys know their quater mile times to the hundreth of a second. Amazing!

ET Race

Here me and Glenn take the estimated times of the racers. In the ET class, each racer states his estimated time to finish the quarter mile.
The starting tree is then adjusted so both bikes are even. In other words the slower bike starts first.
This way a regular gas bike can race against an alcohol bike. Some bikes get a one or two second head start. The only catch is if the racer finishes faster than his estimated time he is disqualified.
These times are accurate to the thousanths of a second.

Burn Out

Here a nitro- methane top fuel drag bike warms up his tire

Some major competitors showed up for this national event

Evangelist Gary Wadell leads church service early Sunday morning in the empty grandstand.

He lead two or three in the sinners prayer for the first time that morning!

All Harley Drags

CMA volunteered at the AHDRA All Harley Drags held at the Strip in Vegas Speedway.
We had church service on Sunday morning in the grandstands.
We gave water to the riders while they were waiting in the staging area and we helped out around the track.
We had a bunch of bike blessings and a few people came to know the Lord. Praise God!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Bikers For Christ

We got together a few of the brothers and sisters for a picture on The Strip

Lets not forget the CAKE!

May They Live Happily Ever After!

They light the candles!

Bear plays some music

Biker Wedding

John and Cindy get married biker style!
Pastor Pauleee performs the ceremony.

Surprise Party for Cully

Bikers for Christ got together for a b-day party for Johnny Boy

Steve and Alesha getting ready to serve.

Salvation Army Outreach

Here are some of the hundred or so people from the salvation army.