Sunday, December 11, 2005

We Finish with Champagne and Mimosas for All!

Aunt Helene and Me

Nina and Greg- all smiles

Looking right up into the Balloon


Aunt Helene looks into the great blue sky and wonders "What ever possessed me to wear this silly looking hat?"

Greg enjoying the High Life at 1000FT.

The Sultan of Brunei's House

This 75000 sq. ft. home was too small for the Sultan, so he gave it to his brother.
Andre Agassi lives in the same community just down the block.

The Strip at 1100 Feet high

All Packed Up Cozy in the Basket!

She's Ready To Go!

Greg, Nina and Aunt Helene excitedly stand by.


Captain Doug prepares our ride

How 'Bout a Balloon Ride-Vegas Valley

Sun rises over the Vegas valley while they fill our balloon.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Hmmm! Where shall I go Next?

Here I am at the top of the Ardel overlooking Galilee, contemplating all the wonderful things I saw and learned and planning my next adventure. Shalom!

Tel Aviv

Sun sets at Tel Aviv on the last day of our trip. Tel Aviv is a resort town which reminded me of Miami Beach.


This amphitheater located in Caesarea on the Mediterranean Sea is where King Herod died.

Joe Overlooks Israel from this sheer cliff

Praise God!

That's Galilee down below.

That water was Cold!

Here I am being baptised at the same place where John the Baptist baptised Jesus. It was the third time I had been baptised. I hope this one takes!

Joey Nina and Rich

Here we are donning our white robes preparing to get baptised in the Jordan

River Jordan

Temple in Capernaum

Here is one of the temples where Jesus probably taught.

Capernaum Home of Peter the Apostle

The Jesus Boat

This boat was found buried beneath the shore of the Sea of Galilee. Estimated to be 2000 years old and not unlike the boats used by the apostles.

We tied two boats together and sang some songs. Pastor Brian was leading.

Casting the Net

This is a net like the apostles would use to catch fish on the Sea of Galilee.
Here, a fisherman on the boat shows us how it is done.


While staying at Tiberius on the Galilee we took this boat ride.

Next Stop: The Sea of Galilee

Ruins Bet She'an

Amphitheater unearthed at Bet She'an

This was completely covered with dirt until about 15 years ago

Bet She'an

This Ancient Roman city of Bet She'an was destroyed by earthquake in the year 700 a.d. It layed there undiscovered under 50 feet of sand and dirt until about 15 years ago when the excavation began.


Here, the gates of Meggido are being excavated and partially restored. The canopy protects the mud bricks from any more decay. Click on any picture to enlarge


These are the plains of Tel Meggido. This is where the final battle will take place as written about in Revelation

Parts of the fortress are crumbling due to an earthquake.

Nimrod Fortress

This fortress perched high atop a hill, guards the road to Damascus.

Ein Gedi

This is the spring at Ein Gedi. Mentioned many times in the Old Testament.

The path got crowded at some spots. People walk both up and down

The Narrow winding path leading up to Masada

We walked all the way down

Dirt Ramp the Romans Built to Conquer Masada

The Romans built this dirt ramp over a tousand feet high to lay seige to Masada where the Jews where hiding. The Romans then built the wooden tower shown on left and rolled it up this ramp to breach the wall



This is the cable car we took up to Masada.
Masada was a summer home built by King Herod the Great.
This fortress is located 1000 feet high on the top of a mountain. According to the Jewish historian Josephus, 900 Jews were holed up on this mountaintop after fleeing from the Romans. The Romans built a giant ramp up the side of the mountain in order to seige Masada. Rather than be caught and made slaves, all 900 Jews committed suicide the day before the Romans were about to enter the fortress.


These ruins were found buried deep below the modern city of Jerusalem. Currently, the street level of the modern city is about where you see the walkway in the background. The ancient city streets were 70 feet lower as you can see from this photo.

Sunrise- Dead Sea

Sunrise Looking out our balcony at the Dead Sea. This lake is the lowest point below sea level on the earth

Dead Sea

Joe and me having a smoke one evening on the shore of the Dead Sea. The white stuff at my feet is salt. This is the saltiest body of water in the world. It is 33% salt. You are so buoyant when you float in it, that you cannot touch the bottom. You also cannot get it in your eyes or mouth. It is nasty!

Be'er Sheva

Here is another ancient site being excavated. It's probably 2500-3000 years old. This place called Be'er Sheva is written about in the old testament. It's where Abraham made a covenant with Abimalech

Buddy Joe

Here Joe tries out an ancient burial tomb on the way to the Dead Sea

Inside the Garden Tomb

This is where the body of Jesus might have been laid inside the tomb.