Sunday, July 10, 2005

South Dakota!

Today I rode about 450 miles. Stopped at the Corn Palace. It's a huge building covered with corn cobs in all kinds of mosaics and other designs. Then to the Badlands. A beautiful place much like the Painted Desert that I saw some weeks ago. I also went to a prarie house built C1909 made out of sod! Then to the world famous 'Wall Drug Store.' They were advertising this place for over two hundred miles. Every five miles or so there would be a tremendous sign saying 'You Must Stop at Wall Drug.' I thought 'how special could a drugstore be?' Finally I relented, I went there. It really wasn't a drugstore at all. It was a bunch of little western style stores all owned by the original 'Wall Drug' storeowner. The story goes: this guy buys this drug store in the middle of nowhere in about 1940. His wife decides to give away 'Free Icewater' from the local well. Anyway, people came from miles around for the free water and the small drugstore grew to the twenty or so stores that are there now. The owners are still the same family 3rd Generation. Prices were pretty good but I didn't buy anything. I did go for some free ice water though! It wasn't that cold but the well was still pumping. Pics to follow. Later Rich. Tomorrow Rushmore! Deadwood! and Black Hills!


At 7:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey buddy nice cleveland pics babe. Its 110 degrees in the dessert man. Hurry back soon we need to throw a sweet pool party for ya.

At 10:04 PM, Blogger harleychronicles said...

Be back in a week or so.


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