Saturday, June 04, 2005

Vortex Tour Today

Early this morning, I took a private guided tour of the energy vortexes around Sedona. There is definitely a ton of energy here. Last night I felt kind of disoriented. Again today, I felt the same thing. The tour guide said this is common in Sedona. Many people move here because it is so beautiful and spiritual, but soon find out they can't deal with the energy emanating from the earth. It can disrupt your sleep, put you on edge, or it can have many positive effects such as deep meditation and spirituality. Generally, the energy intensifies anything that is going on in your life whether good or bad.
Walt Disney lived here for many years. He even named some of the streets.
It is also believed that he got much of his inspiration from here. I'm told the movie Fantasia even has references to Sedona
The western author Zane Gray also is known for going into the caves of Sedona for inspiration.
Sedona is definitely a place to check out if you are ever in the area.
...Well it's Saturday night and it's time to go and check out the local nightlife.
I'll be heading for Santa Fe in the early AM. So check out tomorrow's post to see what that is like. Later. Rich


At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey rich
nice pics looks like your having fun
good luck and ride safe
fort worth gang


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