Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Tuesday Back at Mom's House

Monday I went out to Long Island and visited some friends. I got to see the water and all the boats around where I used to live.
Spent the better part of last night and this morning trying to get the blog going. Finally Success. Whew!
On a happy note, today I ordered new Rinehart Exhaust Pipes for Bessy, along with some new chrome and Kuryakyn ISO grips. Parts will be here Thursday. I'm figuring about 8 to 10 hours to install it all. That should be fun. I'll keep you posted. Later Rich


At 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should have bought a bmw that way you wouldn't have to add all that junk to have a nice bike

At 11:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a first bike is like a first girlfriend - it may not be the perfect choice but nothing else will quite compare - so leave him alone to enjoy the ride - he'll figure it out in due time

At 3:47 PM, Blogger harleychronicles said...

I've actually been riding for about 27 years now. So this is not my first. Beemers are nice, probably the best bike made. But from the sound of it, you probably never even sat on a Harley. It's a Harley thing, if I have to explain you wouldn't understand! Thanks for the comment anyway Stephen.

At 9:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is sad to see such an independent thinker caught up in what the crowd says
if you always shoot for the best than that should be your choice, others opinion of your ride should not rule your decisions

At 12:22 AM, Blogger harleychronicles said...

just like I said. You wouldn't understand.

At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes you are right I will never understand your logic
if you know what is the best like your friend lou with the goldwing but you still insist on going second rate aren't you just buying into the image or the hype. when you ride up against a bmw you look across a snicker but in your head you know he's better and he looks at you and thinks there is $30000 of show but we all know i have the go
you are all about the show and not about the go
so sad

At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear mad ghoul

you sound bitter could it be that crappy seat
or is it regrets on abad decision

At 6:05 PM, Blogger harleychronicles said...

Now boys, let's not get into a pissing contest. First of all, when I look at a guy on a beemer, or any bike for that matter, I don't think he's either better or worse than me. The choice of motorcycle doesn't make a person bad or good.Secondly, when I owned a suzuki 'Intruder' for years I never rode the thing. I've put more miles on my harley in just a few months, than I ever did on the suzuki. The truth of the matter is, once you ride a Harley everything else pales in comparison. That is why Lou never rode the Honda again. Ask any Harley owner. They will agree. Even with all the quirkiness and part replacement and the other stuff, owners LOVE their Harleys. Do you love your beemer?

At 7:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah there it is again the harley image mr rough and tough the loud pipes and i'm not just talking about the ones on the bike it's all just a show for the crowd we know the mad ghoul for what he is a nice guy a good friend and a all around loveable and jolly fellow but its ok add all the chrome the leather the loud talk the harsh words deep down we all know the truth

At 8:16 PM, Blogger harleychronicles said...

Now my blog is finally getting interesting! Let's not forget though...I ride a Harley, my pipes are loud, I have a tattoo, I smoke cigars and have a tendency to swear like a drunken sailor...But I am a Jesus Freak. Now tell me again about is this image that I am "buying into"? Do I appear to you as some weak guy trying to buy a tough guy image by riding a Harley. I have Jesus Fish pasted all over the dam thing! Surely you jest. By the way, I wouldn't piss Al off too much. It's just a short flight and I wouldn't put it past him to fly out and pay you a visit.

At 9:43 PM, Blogger harleychronicles said...

You Go Girl!

At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

first i would love for al to come for a visit although he wouldn't have to fly he could ride his bike. as for the yuppie comment i think if you looked at those who can afford to ride harleys 75% of them are yuppies and what is a yuppie? is it someone who drives a mercedes sports car or lives in a home like the Huxtables. i think a bmw is half the price of a harley so who is showing off the money. again it all comes down to the show, the chrome the pipes the fish the tattoo you're telling people who you are with symbols, with things that say look at me. if anything is that good you wouldn't have to shout it, it would speak for itself.

At 9:35 AM, Blogger harleychronicles said...

So if I sold my Harley tomorrow and went out and bought a brand new RT 1100, would I still be a phoney? Would that make you happy? Or would you still be jealous that I bought a brand new beemer? I think that when you get a little older, a little more mature, and maybe a little more successful, you won't have a chip on your shoulder about what other people have. I didn't buy the bike to impress you or anyone else. I bought it because I wanted one since I was a little kid. I finally made the decision to buy a Harley and I'm glad I did. Should the Huxtables live in a cramped two bedroom apartment in the worst part of town or a nice house that is within their means? Just because they live in a nice place, it doesn't shout "look at me and all the money I have." They are two succesful doctors living in a nice house in Brooklyn. If you ask me they are probably living BELOW their means. Brooklyn, although parts of it are very nice,is not the most prestigious place to live.But to someone who is not on their financial level, it may appear that they are showing off but actually they are not. If Bill Gates bought a Harley would he be saying to the world "look at how much money I have?" I think that if you work hard and save your money, someday you will be able to buy something nice. I promise I won't hold it against you or call you a show off.

At 3:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now this is a blog! Hey Rich... RINEHART's the way to go! Great choice. By the way lots of calls on your LOT we will just have to wait and SEE!

At 4:07 PM, Blogger harleychronicles said...

Hey Bart, would you sell that thing already!I want to buy a second Harley for the east coast. If you want to resign contracts, will do.Greg wants it in the newspaper.

At 7:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you crazy bikers
just thought i would try to stir up some controversy to liven up the blog but i could get no support for my side never even rode a bike have fun on your hogs got to get back to cooking did you guess it was me?

At 8:35 PM, Blogger harleychronicles said...

Oh no! Don't give me that crap! I know you are trying to protect the real bmw guy to smooth things over. There's no way those comments were made by someone who never rode a bike. I could hear the cocky arrogance in his speech. Unmistakable BMW elitist tone. I figure you made the second anonymous comment as well as the thirteenth. The rest were all by Mr N.Z. bmw. Who will remain nameless to avoid any bloodshed. All those a-hole comments did make for an intreresting blog though. Don't worry, his secret identity is safe with me. By the way, ask him if he wants to meet me in Zion for the ride back. I'll show him what a Harley can do.

At 4:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry rich made them all but #2

At 7:00 AM, Blogger harleychronicles said...

That's bull. But ok I'll let it rest. I already told Al to cancel his flight.

At 7:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok im back lets get that anonymous imposter out of here. i don't know about the rt1000 but the 1150 rt and the 1200rt are sweet. let me try to explain myself one more time and i will show you the folly of your ways.(i will try to type slow so you can understand). when you go out to buy anything don't you try to get the best bang for your buck or do you buy the fancy shinny one the one that the stars like p diddy has. if you go buy a diamond i bet you would go for the big gigantic one even if it was cloudy and flawed but it's big and shinny pretty impressive. thats what im trying to make you understand you know the best you freely admit it but what makes you love the harley it's the image the mystique i don't get it

At 7:30 PM, Blogger harleychronicles said...

That sorry drivel doesn't cut it. The arrogance and sarcasm is phoney. "folly of your ways"??? That obnoxious bmw a-hole would NEVER say that. "Folly" was written by a woman. Thanks for the try. You're sweet;-)

At 3:30 AM, Blogger harleychronicles said...

Furthermore, no GUY would EVER talk about buying a diamond,unless he was trying to get laid. So that last anonymous post was definitely written by a female!

At 4:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whether it's writtten by a guy or girl the questions are still valid maybe i touched a nerve

At 9:45 AM, Blogger harleychronicles said...

No you didn't touch a nerve. But you are missing the point. You see, P Diddy doesn't NEED to get bang for the buck. Actually, in his case, the price is not even a factor. The same goes for a harley owner. They don't NEED a bike that goes 130mph. And they look forward changing parts and adding chrome to customize THEIR bike just the way THEY want it. So it's not about 'bang for the buck.'Another big factor in Harley ownership is the kinship and comraderie you get with other Harley owners, as well as pride in buying an American Made product. The comraderie part is huge among Harley owners and almost non- existent with other bikes.
The Harley Davidson brand name has probably the most loyal customer base of any product in the world. You know you have a loyal customer when they tattoo your companies name on their body. Have you ever seen anybody with a 'Coca Cola' tattoo? Or how about a 'Sony' tattoo? These two powerhouse brand names have no where near the customer loyalty of H.D. There is something to be said about the millions of diehard customers and the love they have for their motorcycles. If you're not an owner you will probably NEVER understand.

At 7:08 PM, Blogger harleychronicles said...

To all my New Zealand Friends,
My dopey brother Mike just confessed. He wrote all those a-hole BMW comments. He was MR anonymous. Sorry that I thought it was someone else. My bad. Don't worry though, Al's going to fly to Ft Worth to toss him a beating.

At 7:20 AM, Blogger harleychronicles said...

I heard you got a nice cowhide. What color is it?

At 9:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that HD makes some great products, but they're just motorcycles in the end. All of this crap about "you wouldn't understand" is just a bunch a loudmouths trying to create personae for themselves...probably because their own identities are so freaking boring that nobody would want to talk to them otherwise.

If you're not a real 1%er or something, nobody give a rat's ass what kind of bike you ride. HD people are some of the most elitist, boring pains-in-the-ass on two wheels. And what's with this mad ghoul character? Who the hell does he think he is? Just another example of an HD rider who needs to hide behind the machine to make up for some personal inadequacy.

Not everyone who rides HD is this way, but there are a hell of a lot of posers out there who drone on and on about how awesome their machines are. Get a life. Look in the mirror.

At 12:17 PM, Blogger harleychronicles said...

OK, you flaming A-Hole, it's back on! Talk about hiding behind a persona. You don't even have the balls to say who you are. Mr anonymous.

At 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 8:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're all very nasty potty mouths. Don't you know that people are reading this. Good people. How about keeping a check on the f-bomb.


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