Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Ok, here I am at Carlsbad Caverns. It was really dark in there so some of the pics didn't come out but I'll post the best of them. Carlsbad is a vast cave system that is located 750 feet underground. It was formed over millions of years. There are stalaCtites and stalaGmites that are up to 80 feet high! Stala'C'tites form on the Ceiling. Notice the capital 'C' for ceiling. StalaGmites form on the Ground. They form by dripping water carrying sediments. The water drips and drys. The sediment stays and turns to solid rock. After a couple of million years the sediment piles up to 50 feet high and you have a spectacular stalagmite which you will soon see.  Posted by Hello


At 10:52 PM, Blogger Andy said...

That is an interesting Stalagmite that formed in the center of the picture. It sort of reminds me of someone... :P


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